The Wine Merchant at the Montpellier Fair ‘Vinisud’
07/06/08 20:06 |
The Wine
Saint Marie
de la Mer, 18th of February 2008.
Internet has not proven yet how misleading it can be, but is heading straight for the worst. I travel regularly and discovered no hotel’s web transmits what you feel when you walk in the ‘o so beautiful’ room you saw on the Internet. Also I realise there are a lot of hotels build before the Internet.
Art is the answer to transmit feelings, to communicate to your soul. A hotel, a shop, a wine, only art can make it work. So what’s wrong with this society? Is it all about ‘lost’ people trying to fit in what’s supposed to be in? Is it about ‘wise’ guys that know everything but enjoying life. Is it about politics that fades in it’s own shadow?

Vincent Van Gogh, Boats at Sainte-Maries, 1888
I’m staying at a wellness (read tourist Benidorm bad taste) hotel near the coast of Saint Marie de la Mer, the only available, at 45 minutes driving from ‘Les Parcs des Exposition’ of Montpellier. Where the annual wine event ‘Vinisud’ is taking place.
The stand of ‘Domaine Eternel’ is at the most exciting part of the Fair: the Rousillon area. Elsa Lejeune is making limited terroir wines Apellation Controles Côtes du Rousillon Villages. I have an appointment with Robert who I wrote before we sat up this meeting, the following: “From the hills of Corbières to the Pyrénées mountains, Rousillon is the sunniest region in France. The climate, the history and the traditions of Rousillon make it more similar to Priorat in Spain than to Languedoc. This is maybe the reason why Rousillon Villages wines are still a discovery to the world. Domaine Eternel produces limited 'terroir' wines with an explosive yet gentle taste of black summer fruits and vanilla oak flavours. Wines to be enjoyed, which last as well in the bottle as in the mouth.”
Robert answered me: “If you really can compare your wines with the Priorat it might be very interesting.”

What have Côtes du Rousillon Villages and Priorat in common ? Everything which makes them terroir wines. The geographical situation (close to the sea, mountain high), the micro climate (very dry, hot during the day, cold at night), the soil (slate and stones), the technique (limited, artesanal productions), agriculture (reduced yield) and the varietals (grenache noir and carignan).
Elsa is doing very fine wine making and Robert is as convinced as I was first time I tasted the Eternel, this wine is many rivers deep.
P.s.: Robert Benier became our exclusive importer in Holland (May 2008)
Internet has not proven yet how misleading it can be, but is heading straight for the worst. I travel regularly and discovered no hotel’s web transmits what you feel when you walk in the ‘o so beautiful’ room you saw on the Internet. Also I realise there are a lot of hotels build before the Internet.
Art is the answer to transmit feelings, to communicate to your soul. A hotel, a shop, a wine, only art can make it work. So what’s wrong with this society? Is it all about ‘lost’ people trying to fit in what’s supposed to be in? Is it about ‘wise’ guys that know everything but enjoying life. Is it about politics that fades in it’s own shadow?

Vincent Van Gogh, Boats at Sainte-Maries, 1888
I’m staying at a wellness (read tourist Benidorm bad taste) hotel near the coast of Saint Marie de la Mer, the only available, at 45 minutes driving from ‘Les Parcs des Exposition’ of Montpellier. Where the annual wine event ‘Vinisud’ is taking place.
The stand of ‘Domaine Eternel’ is at the most exciting part of the Fair: the Rousillon area. Elsa Lejeune is making limited terroir wines Apellation Controles Côtes du Rousillon Villages. I have an appointment with Robert who I wrote before we sat up this meeting, the following: “From the hills of Corbières to the Pyrénées mountains, Rousillon is the sunniest region in France. The climate, the history and the traditions of Rousillon make it more similar to Priorat in Spain than to Languedoc. This is maybe the reason why Rousillon Villages wines are still a discovery to the world. Domaine Eternel produces limited 'terroir' wines with an explosive yet gentle taste of black summer fruits and vanilla oak flavours. Wines to be enjoyed, which last as well in the bottle as in the mouth.”
Robert answered me: “If you really can compare your wines with the Priorat it might be very interesting.”

What have Côtes du Rousillon Villages and Priorat in common ? Everything which makes them terroir wines. The geographical situation (close to the sea, mountain high), the micro climate (very dry, hot during the day, cold at night), the soil (slate and stones), the technique (limited, artesanal productions), agriculture (reduced yield) and the varietals (grenache noir and carignan).
Elsa is doing very fine wine making and Robert is as convinced as I was first time I tasted the Eternel, this wine is many rivers deep.
P.s.: Robert Benier became our exclusive importer in Holland (May 2008)